Walking, as one does, by
Noticing, as one does, not
well, often enough
mysterious glimmering spheres
with welcoming hints of velcro
to lure and seduce

As objectivity shortly skirts away
from the skirt? short – facts
face it!
or walk on bye
as one does


This tract dividing us is not for tumbleweed:
although fixed greenless, they carry seeds.  
This space is only for the calcium ghosts
of once thirsty beasts.
The stinging intermittence of wind-hurled grains
masking my foot-borne dents,
while pale moon’s vigil
threatens to freeze the loose ground  
even when the fiery orb returns.

Yet my shadow still grinds across the sand
for a want I have by blue and polkadot black
for a girl named you.

Neck-eye gestures from vultures above
portend the outcome of this foolish quest,
yet the self-drawn mirages draw me on… 


Strung out, stretched and pulled across his sky
over billowed by the encumbrance of choice.
He’d thought himself in, out and around the box,
trawled the cosmos for
a solution, a loophole, a way.
Unfortunately, it’s a wormhole ride away –
seems even black hole couldn’t bring them two together.

Quite simply, it’s one or the other
the girl or the globe.
How could love and travel
be so painfully polar
and mutually exclusive?

Once one is ditched, discarded, dumped
the path should be clear
yet denial and hope cling
to a fool hardy notion of their
simultaneous possibility.
All one needs is a working knowledge
of parallel universes


It was all here, long before us
until we plundered it for paper
to fill with news of cutting down
too many trees.

The black and white is simply

the need for green not greed 


Let’s put two potential partners
on a tennis court.
When it’s all on the line,
one must return the service
otherwise the match seems lost



Quite striking
definite admiration required:
diffuse tungsten glow on
fluff and flying eyes.
Others, grey to brown, flutter about
almost indignant
Powder adorns the light night air

So, to be an outdoor lamp
semi-brainless disciples clambering about you,
to you
but there is always one or more
elegant, still and beautiful
now we can make the metafigurative
jump into the bedroom

I think I’m probably a bulb,
but somehow it’s all been switched –
one of many dim photon-donors
awkwardly tinking and clinking
around the radiant, attracting moth

not quite sure what to do.


Tiny green plain below misty Atlantic peak
houses – remote related islanders
with boats in dirty rainbow of disrepair

Strange how the rubbish permeates
backyards, streets and beaches
even the patchy patches

Rusted wrecks, gasless bottles, been cans
casually strewn where purpose waned –
a disgusting example of human patheticness
far, far from ‘civilization’ –
where I least expected it

the litter is prisoner too

but there is no litter prison


A special, sensual trust
can’t be replaced in an instant
unless it is geological…

Dwelling and stagnating on such memories

Lock in jaws Jurassic where
shale and sandstone shackle
sex and swimming somewhat

Best seek fresh desires soon to
avoid later chisels and dentist toys.
At the very least

play the coelacanth for now


This beautiful queen diamond-less
gently bent and bended
my poked-faced dreaming heart
too late. Sadly.

I was never very good at dealing
with these kind of cards
especially when “all-in” is nigh

Hence my best hand so far
lost the one that mattered the most
to complicated choices, procrastinated truths
and sharks with roses

the game has changed

as have I. 


Re-aquiring abandoned skill
is inelegant, semi cardiac starts
forced to some obligate extent.
Misdirected, perhaps, as a track runner
struggling valiantly through dune sand.
Unless intentions betray,
the seeming zealous grit
a deliberate fumble?
The tongue tingles

Suffice to say, abstinence-dulled ability   
flaunts minimal satisfaction
stuffed with frustration and mediocrity
How else to un-corrode
temporal-induced rust?
Jump. Fall. Bleed, iron
The taste: an unpleasant necessity
for its own reduction.
It smarts and reviles
but most pivotal,

when will you tempt it again?